Dynalink RTA 230 Ethernet Setup

1. Connect the Ethernet cable to the computer making sure the other end is connected to the RTA 230 ADSL modem.

2. To configure your RTA 230 for use with iPrimus Broadband, open Internet Explorer.

In the address field type then press Enter

3. The RTA 230 login dialog box will appear.

In the User name field type admin followed by admin again in the Password field. Next click OK.

4. The Quick Setup dialog box will appear.

In the Broadband User Name field type your username followed by @primusdsl or @dsl2.iprimus.com.au, depending on the type of account you have (if unsure please check your Service Summary sheet), then type your password into the Password field. Next click Connect.

5. At this stage your Internet Connection is being established.

Please wait while this process takes place.

6. After a few moments time a dialog will appear showing your connection status as connected.

7. Configuration of your modem is now complete, you are now ready to start surfing the Internet.


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