If you don't have the installation CD or have lost it. This guide will helps you on how-to quick configure your RIGER DB108-WL to restore your Streamyx internet connection.
First open any of your favorite web browser e.g. Chrome, Firefox, IE, Netscape, Opera, Safari, Seamonkey or any other web browser that is not yet mention here will also work to access the Graphical User Interface (GUI) HTTP Server . Fill in the address bar with the default IP Address or you can Click here to login

First open any of your favorite web browser e.g. Chrome, Firefox, IE, Netscape, Opera, Safari, Seamonkey or any other web browser that is not yet mention here will also work to access the Graphical User Interface (GUI) HTTP Server . Fill in the address bar with the default IP Address or you can Click here to login

By default the username and password for Admin is tmadmin while for ordinary User is tmuser. Note: Admin account has the full priviledge while User has only limited access.

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Configure Internet Connection
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